Why Should You Care for Premature Grey Hair

sahina bano
4 min readAug 3, 2022

Grey hair under the age of 35 is a common cause for concern. We tell you why this happens, is it possible to prevent gray hair, and how to take care of it. Early grey hair is a process when people have white hair on their heads.

There is an opinion that the whitening of hair in youth is due to “weak nerves”. But that is not the case. The observation of 6630 participants of the CANDELA project in my project showed that stress does not affect the formation of melanin, which dyes the hair. There are several objective causes for premature greying.

The scientists found that the onset of grey hair varies by race. The average age for whites is in their mid-30s, late 30s for Asians, and mid-40s for Blacks.

Causes of Premature Grey Hair

Hair naturally turns white or gray with age, but if it turns white prematurely, your diet may be deficient in nutrients or may indicate other health problems.

The mechanism of premature greying of hair is not fully understood. But whitening is a gradual, long-term process, as air bubbles slowly build up in the hair. Therefore, there is no explanation for the rapid whitening of the entire hairband.

Therefore, we have two types of whites: solid colorless parts of silver in the hair, in bulk, mixed with oily hair. But why do they stop producing it?

There is no clear and unambiguous explanation for this, and the question of why so many people turn their hair gray earlier than others is not answered. Scientists believe that there is no single cause, but that one of the following complexes may be the cause.

1. Genetic Factor

The main cause of premature grey hair is genes. If your next of kin turns gray at an early age, chances are you’re in a similar situation. You can’t stop this process.

2. Hormones

The number of melanocytes depends on the organs of the endocrine system and, above all, the thyroid gland.

This is why hormonal issues often lead to loss of hair pigmentation. We should be especially wary of mood swings, weight problems, abnormal heartbeats, sweating, and swelling in the background of the appearance of gray hair on the neck.

3. Diseases

Early greying can also be a sign of a disease. Premature grey hair can appear as a result of autoimmune diseases, for example:

  • Celiac disease — gluten intolerance;
  • Alopecia areata — hair loss, in which it is difficult for growing hair to retain color.
  • thyroid hormones

Furthermore, the following factors contribute to the early appearance of gray hairs:

  • Vitiligo is a disorder of skin pigmentation.
  • Neurofibromatosis is a hereditary disease characterized by the development of tumors and the appearance of brown spots on the skin.

4. Lack of vitamins and minerals

Rigid diets and unbalanced nutrition deplete the body as well. Add wheat bread, greens, dairy products, nuts, seaweed and fish, buckwheat porridge, apples, lean beef, eggs, and mushrooms to your diet to help him produce melanin. Experts believe there is a link between early gray hair and vitamin deficiency (a lack of certain substances and vitamins):

  • gland,
  • calcium,
  • honey,
  • zinc,
  • vitamins of groups B and D.
  • vitamin d3

5. Medication

A number of drugs cause gray hair to appear as a side effect. If our gray hairs are linked to this factor, then the color should return a few months after treatment is finished.

6. Stress

Of course, one of the main causes of premature gray hair is stress. When we are overcome with strong emotions, a large amount of adrenaline is released into the bloodstream. This hormone prevents melanin from acting on the protein structure of the hair, causing the pigment to be absorbed.

Furthermore, stress causes hair loss, which forces melanocytes to work harder and wear out faster.

7. Bad habits

Nicotine, alcohol, and other unhealthy eating habits lower the body’s immunity and cause it to produce less melanin.

8. Chemical coloring and hair extensions

Chemical coloring, hair extensions, and even some shampoos can cause premature grey hair at a young age. This is not surprising given that many cosmetics contain harmful ingredients that reduce melanin levels.

Hydrogen peroxide, for example, is a harmful chemical found in many chemical hair dyes. And, if you use hair lightening products frequently, you may cause corresponding violations, resulting in premature graying of hair. You may notice hair loss at times.

How to stop premature greying of hair: 7 tips

