What to Do If Your Toes/Feet Cramp

sahina bano
3 min readJun 28, 2021

The expert explained how to deal with an uncomfortable situation and why it occurs.

Many people ignore discomfort in their toes, blaming it on uncomfortable shoes or fatigue. However, few people suspect that these symptoms could be precursors to a serious illness.

Causes of toe cramps

  • Lack of minerals and diet

Muscle cramps can be caused by a lack of potassium, calcium, and magnesium. Meat, cereals, jacket potatoes, wheat bran, green peas, beans, wheat germ, carrots, pumpkin, beets, radishes, peppers, cabbage, cucumbers, avocados, herbs, champignons, melons, apples, kiwi, watermelons, black currants, grapes, cherries, walnuts, and hazelnuts can be refilled.

  • Dehydration

Inadequate fluid intake causes a disruption in the water-salt balance and a slowing of metabolism. The body’s reaction will be an involuntary muscle contraction.

  • Lack of vitamin D

Its use affects calcium and magnesium absorption, kidney and heart function, bone and skin health, and the state of bones and skin.

  • Increased protein intake

Often, athletes or fitness enthusiasts follow this diet. As a result, the increased consumption of protein foods makes it difficult for the absorption of calcium.

  • Uncomfortable shoes

Stiff shoes can interfere with the normal activity of the deep muscles of the foot. Because of this, they do not fully fulfill their function — leg stabilization. Tight shoes restrict blood circulation and the limbs begin to go numb.

  • Hard workouts

During sports, the leg muscles contract and expand. Intense training can overload the feet, leading to cramps in the toes. Also, improper exercise technique can harm the proper functioning of the limbs.

  • Frequent stress

Rapid weight loss, hypothermia, illness transfer.

  • Lack of physical activity

Due to low motor activity, blood supply is disrupted and muscles lose their elasticity and undergo atrophy.

  • Stroke

Convulsions occur due to damage to the brain, which is responsible for the conduction of nerve impulses to the feet.

  • Diseases of the vascular system

Due to dysfunction of blood vessels, the lower limbs receive less nutrients.

  • Lumbar diseases

Pinched nerves in the lumbar spine can lead to numbness in the limbs.

  • Flat feet

Progressive flat feet can cause seizures.


In no case should you neglect the cramps of your toes, says the neurologist. First, contact a therapist who will diagnose.

First of all, you will be asked about the details of the symptoms, what are the accompanying chronic diseases. Further, blood tests, urine tests, and ultrasound of the lower extremities will be prescribed. Only then will they be redirected to a narrow specialist.

If you start having seizures, the main thing is not to panic. There are several easy ways to stop seizures.

The first is to walk on a cold floor or run ice over your foot, which will increase blood circulation and relax your muscles.

The second is to stretch your fingers. Grab them with your hand and pull the sock sharply towards you.

The third is to wrap your leg with a warm towel and apply a heating pad. I note that you can often read such popular advice as to prick your leg with a needle and take aspirin. This is definitely not worth doing without a doctor’s recommendation!

